Current semantics for channel-bindings in GSSAPI

Stefan Metzmacher metze at
Tue Mar 10 12:24:56 EDT 2020

Am 10.03.20 um 17:18 schrieb Isaac Boukris:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 4:54 PM Stefan Metzmacher <metze at> wrote:
>> Am 10.03.20 um 16:34 schrieb Isaac Boukris:
>>> On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 4:23 PM Stefan Metzmacher <metze at> wrote:
>>>> Hi Issac,
>>>>> As discussed last week, we want the following changes.
>>>>> - MIT should match Heimdal behavior and only error if client bindings
>>>>> are not all zeros.
>>>>> - Both Heimdal/MIT should return channel-bound flag if the bindings did match.
>>>>> - Both Heimdal/MIT should take advantage of KERB_AP_OPTIONS_CBT if
>>>>> present if authenticator, in which case if the server passed bindings
>>>>> they must match.
>>>>> - Both Heimdal/MIT should provide a conf option to asset the client
>>>>> system supports channel-bindings, causing KERB_AP_OPTIONS_CBT to be
>>>>> sent in any ap-req.
>>>>> I submitted wip PR #1047 upstream MIT based on the above.
>>>>> @metze, would that satisfy samba's requirements?
>>>> I looked briefly and the core changes look good,
>>>> but (as always :-) I think krb5.conf option alone are unflexible
>>>> and I'd really like to get rid of autogenerated krb5.conf files and
>>>> global exporting "KRB5_CONFIG". So APIs to turn this on from the
>>>> application would be great.
>>> Ok, so we'd need a new cred-option to override it by the application.
>> If we can agree on a way to implement that:-)
>> Using gss_set_cred_option() would be the simplest solution,
>> but it got rejected for GSS_KRB5_CRED_NO_TRANSIT_CHECK_X.
>> Passing cred_store to gss_acquire_cred_from() would also work
>> and I'm not sure if/how gss_create_sec_context() +
>> gss_set_sec_context_option() would work.
>> gss_set_sec_context_option() would be the most flexible way
>> and may be useful for more things I plan to implement.
> Honestly I'd say we can start with the krb5.conf option, I think it
> has value anyway as it allows to protect applications system-wide
> without the need to update them.

Yes, a global option should be there!

> Then eventually, use cred/context
> options to override it, as we decide.
> btw, as mentioned "off-list" Windows seem to skip channel-bindings
> check if the client omits the checksum altogether, even in level=2. I
> think it is a bug, and we shouldn't return channel-bound flag it that
> case.

I think your code is fine as it only sets cb_match = true if we did the
memcmp and the 16 bytes match exactly.


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