MIT Kerberos Building Question!

Marcus Watts mdw at
Wed Sep 15 12:23:01 EDT 2010

> Date:    Mon, 13 Sep 2010 01:25:55 EDT
> To:      <krbdev at>
> From:    <sekhar.venkatesan at>
> Subject: MIT Kerberos Building Question!
> Hi,
> I am trying to find if we have makefiles for different unix flavours to build t
> he MIT kerberos code that is available in the MIT site. I downloaded the source
>  code for MIT kerberos from the below link:
> I am not sure if this is the right mailing list to get answer to my question. P
> lease direct to the right mailing list to get answers.
> I am specifically looking for makefiles for solaris & linux. Let me know if the
>  makefiles are available & link to download the same.
> If not, what should we do if we have build the source code for unix flavours?
> thanks,
> Sekhar

Maybe somebody replied to you privately already?  In any event,

/1/ unless you have good reason otherwise, get the current
version from

/2/ this code uses autoconf.  Before building, run "configure"
and let it generate Makefile's customized for your target platform.
First run "configure --help" to find other options you might
want to give to configure to match your local environment.

autoconf makes it possible to easily support far more platforms than
is possible with hand-customized makefiles.  You will find very little
modern open source software today that comes with per-OS makefiles.
There are other ways to handle this, but autoconf is certainly
the most common choice.

		-Marcus Watts

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