Fw: Kerberos MIT on Solaris

vir vir vitrou2004 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 22 13:33:05 EDT 2010

Hi Will,
On Salaris 9 can't find a library libkrb5.so 
On Salaris 10 I can't  find a library libgssapi_krb5.so that has 

--- On Sat, 8/21/10, Will Fiveash <will.fiveash at oracle.com> wrote:

From: Will Fiveash <will.fiveash at oracle.com>
Subject: Re: Fw: Kerberos MIT on Solaris
To: "vir vir" <vitrou2004 at yahoo.com>
Cc: krbdev at mit.edu
Received: Saturday, August 21, 2010, 1:56 PM

Why not just use the native Solaris kerberos?

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 07:15:18AM -0700, vir vir wrote:
> Hi,
> I found all the files and the paths.
> All the libraries were created.  The libraries are 32 bit what should I change in the configure file or somewhere else to create 64 bit
> Thanks,
> Alex 
> --- On Wed, 8/11/10, vir vir <vitrou2004 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: vir vir <vitrou2004 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Kerberos MIT on Solaris
> To: krbdev at MIT.EDU
> Received: Wednesday, August 11, 2010, 10:30 AM
> Hi,
> I am trying to use Kerberos on Solaris Sunamd64
> I download the Kerberos V5 Release 1.8.3 untar it follow up the instructions
> cd /u1/krb5-1.8/src 
> ./configure 
> make 
> after ./configure  I couldn't find a make file
> Do you know what could be the problem?
> Thanks,
> Alex
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Will Fiveash
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