Implementing preauthentication using loadable modules

Nalin Dahyabhai nalin at
Thu Sep 28 18:53:48 EDT 2006

On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 04:36:58PM -0400, Kevin Coffman wrote:
> This appears to be a very nice implementation of the preauth plugin.
> As Jim mentioned, we are working on a pkinit implementation.  We'd
> very much like to work with you (and anyone else) to join forces and
> eliminate any duplication of effort on this.  A bit of information on
> our project can be found here:

I'd like that as well.

I'm still reading through the patch in the svn repository which the page
points to, but so far it looks like the pkinit support there is patched
right into the library itself.  Is there a more recent tree which uses
the modular interface Jim mentioned?



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