LDAP schema questions

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Wed Jun 7 12:25:40 EDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-06-07 at 06:01 -0600, K.G. Gokulavasan wrote:
> >>> On 6/7/06 at 4:29 AM, in message
> <1149634758.20633.13.camel at amy.samba4.abartlet.net>, Andrew Bartlett
> <abartlet at samba.org> wrote:
> > Sorry to be coming late to this discussion, but as I've just been
> tasked
> > with working with the MIT Kerberos LDAP backend, and I have some
> > questions and concerns as to the schema:   (I have the schmea from
> > current SVN, noted as Version 1.3, 2005)
> > 
> > In particular, I'm surprised by the format of the krbSecretKey
> > attribute:
> > 
> > It seems to me that about a dozen different attributes have been
> placed
> > into this attribute.  Why is a such a complex structure used?  The
> > Heimdal schema (which I am more familure with) encodes many of these
> as
> > separate attributes.  I'm thinking in particular of the times: why
> not
> > use pwdLastSet, or at worst a 'krb5KeyLastSet'?  Likewise, why is
> there
> > duplication between the krbPrincipalName and part of the
> krbSecretKey?
> > 
> > Likewise, why are the keys not in a multivalued attribute?  (Heimdal
> > uses an asn1 structure to combine the key and salt, then places them
> > into each value of the multivalued attribute)
> >
> Keys are multivalued attributes. But each value will be pertaining to a
> kerberos principal identity. Each user in the directory can have more
> than one principal identity(same realm or different realms). All the
> different keys(e.g.des,des3,aes) of same version of a principal will be
> stored in each value of the krbSecretKey attribute. All the principal
> identities information are stored as part of User instead of cross
> referencing for ease of administration. All the key related
> information(key,key type, salt,salt type, key version, master key
> version, last password change) of a principal are part of the
> krbSecretKey attribute.
> krbPrincipalName is part of the krbSecretKey to map the principal with
> the key.

Why not reverse the problem, and have multiple entries in LDAP, one per
principal?  If need be, an attribute could be created to point to the
'user' that the principal authorizes as (if different), but this
shouldn't concern the KDC. 

This would create a far more 'natural' LDAP look.

> > Also, the document specifies many time attributes, but I'm unclear
> what
> > all the time formats are.  In particular, is krbMaxPwdLife in
> seconds?  
> > 
> krbMaxPwdLife is the number of seconds (of the duration) that is added
> to the Last Password Change value to compute the password expiration
> time

Yeah, that was just a nit-pick.  The schema file should be updated to
reflect that, just for clarity.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College  http://hawkerc.net
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