Future of kerberised telnet, login, rsh, ftp?

Mans Nilsson mansaxel at sunet.se
Thu Jul 7 03:52:50 EDT 2005

Subject: Future of kerberised telnet, login, rsh, ftp? Date: Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 11:20:41AM +1000 Quoting Andrew Bartlett (abartlet at samba.org):
> As a relative newcomer to the kerberos world, I'm wondering what the
> future of tools like kerberised telnet, rsh, ftp and the like is.  It
> seems from my viewpoint that OpenSSH (with the gssapi mode) and things
> like pam_krb5 have taken over from these tools.

I use them, support them and want them. They are vital to our IT
infrastructure. The telnet client is IME better on really bad
networks, which one sometimes must use.

Måns Nilsson         Systems Specialist
+46 70 681 7204         KTHNOC

INSIDE, I have the same personality disorder as LUCY RICARDO!!
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