Ticket addresses w.r.t. forwarded tickets.

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Thu Dec 1 18:24:06 EST 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 19:05 -0500, Roland.Dowdeswell at MorganStanley.com
> So, by default the MIT libs when asked to forward tickets to the remote
> end will decide whether to include addresses in the forwarded ticket by
> checking your current TGT and seeing whether it has addresses.  And the
> addresses that the libs put in the forwarded ticket are determined via
> a DNS forward lookup of the remote end's hostname.  I would like to
> have addressed TGTs while forwarding addressless tickets, so I've put
> together a tiny patch which defines a boolean in the [libdefaults]
> section of $KRB5_CONFIG to let me do this [below].
> What's the chance of including this in the main tree?
> (I'll elide the long discussion about why using DNS to determine what
> addresses the remote end might use to talk to the KDC is pretty much
> guaranteed to be incorrect for at least some of the hosts on a
> corporate network.  The only reasonable strategy would be to ask the
> remote end what its addresses are, or something along those lines.)

For the same reason I added a similar option to lorikeet-heimdal (my
branch of Heimdal for use in Samba4) for exactly the same reasons.  In
addition, we tend to find we are using netbios names, which makes DNS
doubly bogus.

I like your choice of name, but should this be a libdefaults or an
appdefaults issue?  (no-addresses seems to be under appdefaults in

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College  http://hawkerc.net
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