a question of Kerberos ticket expiration

Ji Li jli at MIT.EDU
Sun Oct 17 11:42:55 EDT 2004


I installed Leash on my Windows XP. An inconvenience is that the tickets expire everytime when I reboot the machine. I actually change the lifetime of a ticket to 365 days (It's my home computer and I only use it to print to athena), but the expiration of the kerberos five ticket is still about one day. Would you please tell me how to prolong its lifetime and make it not expire every time I reboot?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Ji Li
32 Vassar Street, 32-G806
Cambridge, MA 02139
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I´m a newbie and I´m a bit confused. Since there is a lot of information about authentication delegation general procedure, I can´t see neither a sample in which it's implemented nor an acceptable API documentation. 

I need to make and AP_REQ (krb5_mk_req) for a server "C" from a server "B", on behalf of a client "A". what can I do?. 

Thanks in advance

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