MIT Kerberos and TN5250

Erez Pasternak Erez.Pasternak at
Tue Jul 13 09:35:48 EDT 2004

Hi Jeffrey,
I am trying to connect to TN5250 with MIT Kerberos 
This is what IBM is doing :
1. Request (TGS-REQ) for krbtgt , instance  ERICOM.CO.IL ( Forwordable, Renewable, Canonicalize , Renewable OK)
2. Replay (TGS-REP) service krbtgt  ,instance ERICOM.CO.IL
3. Request (TGS-REQ) for service krbsvr400 , instance (Forwordable, Renewable)
4. Replay (TGS-REP) service krbsvr400 , instance   
5. Request (TGS-REQ) for service krbtgt , instance ERICOM.CO.IL ( Forwordable, Forward , Renewable , Canonicalize , Renewable OK)
6. Replay (TGS-REP) for service krbtgt , instance ERICOM.CO.IL

This is what I am doing 
1. Request (TGS-REQ) for service krbtgt , instance ERICOM.CO.IL (Forwordable, Renewable ,Canonicalize , Renewable OK )
2. Replay (TGS-REP) for service krbtgt , instance ERICOM.CO.IL
3. Request (TGS-REQ) for service krbsvr400 , instance ERICOM.CO.IL (Forwordable, Renewable)
4. Replay (TGS-REP) service krbsvr400 , instance ERICOM.CO.IL
5. Request (TGS-REQ) for service and host krbsvr400 , (Forwordable, Renewable)
6. Replay (TGS-REP) for service and host krbsvr400 ,

As you can see the problem is in step 3 (btw I changed in the code from "host" to "krbsvr400").
Erez Pasternak
Ericom Software

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Altman [mailto:jaltman at]
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 3:56 PM
To: Erez Pasternak
Cc: krbdev at
Subject: Re: MIT Kerberos and TN5250


As one of the editors of RFC 2942: Telnet Authentication: Kerberos 5, I can assure you that the 
use of the canonicalize flag is not a requirement for TELNET AUTH KRB5.  In fact, the canonicalize
flag did not exist in any implementation at the time that TELNET AUTH KRB5 was originally 

The most important thing to remember is that obtaining a TGT is not part of the specification.
The TELNET AUTH KRB5 exchange relies entirely on service tickets; not TGTs.  Of course, 
you must be in possession of a valid TGT in order to attempt to obtain the service ticket for
"host"/fqdn at REALM.

What is it that you are attempting to implement?  Are you attempting to perform the equivalent
of a "kinit" operation to obtain a TGT?  If so, this has nothing to do with TELNET AUTH KRB5.
Are you attempting to obtain a service ticket for the TN5250 service?  If so, that would make more
sense?   Then the question is "what service principal are you requesting and what do you expect back?"

Jeffrey Altman

Erez Pasternak wrote: 

Hi Sam,

Does anyone tried (and successed) to connect to Iseries in TN5250 with kerberos ?

Erez P

-----Original Message-----

From: Sam Hartman [  <mailto:hartmans at> mailto:hartmans at]

Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 10:00 PM

To: Erez Pasternak

Cc:   <mailto:krbcore at> krbcore at;   <mailto:krbdev at> krbdev at

Subject: Re: MIT Kerberos and TN5250


"Erez" == Erez Pasternak   <mailto:Erez.Pasternak at> <Erez.Pasternak at> writes:


    Erez> Hi MIT developers, We are using MIT Kerberos to provide

    Erez> Kerberos support for Terminal Emulation.  When connecting

    Erez> with AS/400 (iseries) in TN5250 protocol we saw that AS/400

    Erez> uses a flag name "canonicalize" when asking for a TGT.  I

    Erez> see in the source code that this flag is missing (

    Erez> TKT_FLG_RESERVED 0x00010000 ) Is there any ways to make this

    Erez> work?

You failed to explain what is actually failing or not working.

What erronious behavior do you see?  Is some request failing?  If so,



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