Info: Obtaining / Managing Keytabs from Windows 2003 KDC
Actually davidchr
davespam at
Fri Apr 16 14:42:22 EDT 2004
That seems pretty cool. Does this do everything that ktpass does, or
strictly the keytab-generation functionality?
I'd love to see more interop tools developed by the community-- it might
increase the number of people doing it, and possibly reduce the number
of questions that the various mailing lists and newsgroups have to
answer about the topic.
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: krbdev-bounces at [mailto:krbdev-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Dan Perry
> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 8:31 AM
> To: krbdev at
> Subject: Info: Obtaining / Managing Keytabs from Windows 2003 KDC
> Hi All,
> I though you may be interested in a patch I've worked on for
> Samba which adds
> the ability for Samba's utilities to create / update the
> system keytab from a
> windows 2003 server. My post to the samba mailing list is
> available here:
> The patch is designed to replace Window's ktpass.exe and to
> provide means to
> obtain a keytab and to add principals to that keytab easily.
> Below is a long
> winded explanation of how this patch / samba should be setup
> and used. Please
> send me any comments you may have on this.
> Thanks,
> Dan Perry
> ---------- Further Details & Examples -----------------
> Current versions of samba have a large set of LDAP and
> Kerberos functions to
> interact with Active Directory. Samba is capable of using
> Kerberos for
> authentication, and has a utility to obtain service
> principals automatically.
> However, those service principals are not stored in a
> 'normal' keytab, so
> other applications, i.e. openssh cannot use the same HOST
> principals that
> samba does. Some patches were bounced around the samba
> mailing list to
> enable storage of the Kerberos principals in the system keytab.
> I took one of those patches and added some functionality to
> it to make it
> more complete. An example of that functionality is as follows:
> [root at host]$ klist -k
> Error: No Keytab Found at /etc/krb5.keytab
> [root at host]$ net ads join
> Joined 'host' to realm 'REALM'
> [root at host]$ klist -k
> Keytab Name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
> KVNO Principal
> ---- -----------------------------------------
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> In the above session, we started with a machine with no
> keytab present. Then
> we used samba's net utility to join the host to the realm
> (active directory
> domain). This creates both a computer account in active
> directory, and also
> creates a keytab on the host machine. The newly created
> keytab has several
> entries for each principal... one for each encoding type
> supported by the
> client. Having principals for multiple encoding types can
> sometimes help
> make things work with other clients / services that don't
> necessarily support
> a given encoding type.
> Another feature I added is only that allows keytabs for any
> given service to
> be created. For example:
> [root at host]$ net ads keytab add afs
> [root at host]$ klist -k
> Keytab Name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
> KVNO Principal
> ---- -----------------------------------------
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 host/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 cifs/host at REALM
> 2 afs/host at REALM
> 2 afs/host at REALM
> 2 afs/host at REALM
> 2 afs/host at REALM
> 2 afs/host at REALM
> 2 afs/host at REALM
> The 'add' sub command allows any given principal to be
> created using the
> machine secret that samba obtains.
> A final feature is enabling delegation for the host principal
> on a Windows
> 2003 domain. When using openssh with GGSAPI delegation
> enabled, I noticed
> that the logins via GSSAPI would work, but the credentials
> would not be
> delegated to the remote machine. It turns out that in order
> to make this
> work, delegation needs to be enabled for the computer account
> requesting
> delegation. I've added the following option to allow a
> computer account to
> delegate to the host principal. In windows 2000, the only way to do
> delegation (at least as far as I know) was to allow delegation for
> everything, which is not the best idea, security-wise. In
> 2003, it is
> possible to enable delegation for only a select set of hosts
> and principals.
> My patch enables just that under a 2003 domain. Here's an example:
> [user at host]$ ssh remote
> [user at remote]$ klist
> No credentials cache found
> .....
> [root at host] net ads delegation enable
> .....
> [user at host]$ ssh remote
> [user at remote] klist
> (credentials are present now on the remote system)
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