palm os kerberos?

Steven R. Little stevel at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 30 21:58:59 EST 2003

Maybe you've heard this question a thousand times before, but is there a 
Kerberos or other encryption application for palm software so that the 
internet capable PDA's can get MIT email via Palm Eudora?  This is assuming 
that Palm Eudora would even work with an application such as this.  I 
currently have a Palm VIx and am probably going to switch to a Treo 600 and 
was wondering if I would be able to access my email on it without having to 
forward my mail to another account or use webmail.  I was checking online 
and saw this information dated 2002 concerning incorporation of PDAs into 
the MIT IS support structure:

Thanks for your time.

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