OpenSSH with Wilkinson patch on OS X 10.2

Steven Michaud smichaud at
Wed May 7 12:26:28 EDT 2003

Simon Wilkinson has just come out with a new version (3.6.1p2) of his 
GSSAPI patch for OpenSSH (see for more 
information).  So here's a corresponding update of my patch to his 
patch, which allows his version of OpenSSH to run on Mac OS X 10.2.X.  
(I posted the original version of my patch to the krbdev list on 
11-11-2002 --

With my patch, you can link OpenSSH either against the MIT Kerberos 
libraries that come with OS X 10.2.X or against Heimdal libraries that 
you've previously installed.  If you link against the MIT libraries, ssh 
and sshd will use the CCache API to create and/or access the same 
memory-based ticket cache(s) used by the other built-in Kerberos components.

Before you do anything with OpenSSH, you may need to make changes to 
some OS X system files.  (These problems were reported to Apple several 
months ago, and were, I believe, actually fixed iin some OS X releases.  
But in the latest release (10.2.5), they're all currently unfixed.)

A) /usr/include/openssl/opensslv.h

You may need to change the OpenSSL version number in this file to match 
the version of OpenSSL that's actually installed.  I'll append a patch 
that gives an example of what needs to be done, but you may have to make 
the changes by hand.  "openssl version" shows what version of OpenSSL 
you have installed.

B) /usr/include/zconf.h

I'll append a patch for this file.

C) /usr/include/security/pam_appl.h

If you want to compile with PAM support, you may need to create the 
/usr/include/security directory and put in it a soft link to 

Once you've examined (and possibly changed) these system files, first 
patch with Simon Wilkinson's patch, then with mine, then (very 
important) run autoreconf.

Then run configure (with the appropriate options), make and make 
install.  See Simon Wilkinson's patch page for more information.

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