Service ticket KfM 4.5.1 on OSX 10.2.3

Alexandra Ellwood lxs at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 21 11:43:00 EST 2003

>On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Alexandra
>Ellwood wrote:
>>  >I want to request a kerberos 5 service ticket from my kdc. When I type
>>  >/usr/bin/kinit -S pop/ jsiegle and authenticate, I get a
>>  >service ticket. However when I open
>>  >/System/Library/CoreServices/ it tells me that the ticket I
>>  >have is not valid. This happens when my only ticket is the service
>>  >ticket. If I have both a tgt and the pop/ ticket, it works
>>  >fine. Should it be giving me an error when I only have the
>>  >pop/ ticket in my cache?
>>  Try ignoring the warning from and launch your v5  mail
>>  reader.  Does the pop/ service ticket you acquired with
>>  '/usr/bin/kinit -S' let you get mail?
>If I use fetchmail, it works fine. The problem is when I use I
>am working a problem with Apple because doesn't want to use my
>pop/ ticket. I noticed the ticket error it gives me when I
>ran /System/Library/CoreServices/ and thought that maybe that
>is why refuses to use my service ticket and insists on me
>getting new credentials.

So the problem is that the Kerberos login dialog pops up over when you only have a service ticket and no TGT?  That sounds 
like a problem with the Kerberos Login Library, not  I will 
file this in our bug database.

In the meantime, avoid using the -S option with kinit.

Hope this helps,

Alexandra Ellwood                                               <lxs at>
MIT Information Systems                     

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