strange ccache behavior

Alexandra Ellwood lxs at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 13 17:12:58 EST 2003

Sorry for the long delay in responding...

>I'm seeing some strange ccache behavior, would someone please explain this:
>Steps to reproduce
>1. restart/login
>2. klist, have ticket kerberos got for user at login
>3. sudo -s
>4. klist, no tickets
>5. exit
>6. klist, still have user tickets
>7. sudo -s
>8. klist, now there are user tickets I didn't see with first sudo

I'm not sure what is causing this but I have an idea.  Can you please 
do the following and send me the output?

1) Restart, log in, open a terminal and run "ps auxww | grep CCacheServer".

2) Restart, log in, wait at least 5 minutes, run "sudo -s" and then "klist".


Alexandra Ellwood                                               <lxs at>
MIT Information Systems                     

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