kfw 1.2.6 exports

Alexandra Ellwood lxs at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 7 14:03:00 EST 2002

>     Alexandra> The Kerberos team has already spoken to the LPRng folks
>     Alexandra> about their use of these internal functions.  They
>     Alexandra> should have implemented their own versions.  However, I
>     Alexandra> think the Athena environment uses an older version of
>     Alexandra> the Kerberos support, so you might not be able to take
>     Alexandra> the latest LPRng release.
>I don't believe they have gotten around to this yet.  At least LPRNG
>3.8.15 does not yet include these changes.

Oh, okay.  I assumed it did because we were helping some folks who 
had compiled LPRng on Mac OS X.  They must have also worked around 
the problem themselves.

Sorry for the confusion,

Alexandra Ellwood                                               <lxs at mit.edu>
MIT Information Systems                               http://mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/lxs/www/

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