Kerberos and Samba

Steve Langasek vorlon at
Tue Jul 16 16:00:01 EDT 2002

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 03:49:00PM -0400, Rhon Fitzwater wrote:

> 2.  I am currently running your v 4.0 on Mac OS 10.1.5, 
> works great. able to get a ticket like stated.  However I would like to 
> use that ticket when connecting to a samba server.  so when i run the 
> mount_smbfs command it will use the ticket instead of me typing in the 
> password.

> In the end we are looking to mount the users home file directory with 
> samba and use kerberos with it for security reasons.  Is there a way of 
> doing this?  and can it be done when the user is at the login screen?
> i want some how get the password from login(when user logs in to OS X) 
> and use it to get a kerberos ticket and the use the kerb ticket to mount 
> the samba volume.

Is your Samba fileserver running the (alpha) Samba 3.0 code with ADS
support?  Are you using Win2K (or WinXP) Active Directory as the KDC for
your Kerberos realm?

These are both necessary preconditions for Kerberos-authenticated
connections to Samba servers at the present time.

Kerberos-authentication to a Samba server without a Windows KDC is
doable, but the support isn't there yet.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer
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