[Comment] [krbdev.mit.edu #9117] profile write operation interactions with multiple files

kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil via RT rt-comment at kerborg-prod-app-1.mit.edu
Fri Apr 12 14:04:58 EDT 2024

This is a comment.  It is not sent to the Requestor(s):

>If I got it right, the FreeRDP use case is to export a modified
>version of the tree where the list of KDC addresses for a given realm
>is replaced by another address. I believe the reason why they use such
>an approach is because of the "*" marker limitation for relations in

Even if the "*" finalization marker was supported for subsection relations,
I believe that only works across files specified in the search path.
E.g., a KRB5_CONFIG file that specified "/etc/krb5-1.conf:/etc/krb5-2.conf",
it would work finalize a section in krb5-1.conf.  But files included
using the "include" directive don't count as separate files for
this purpose.  Sadly this makes finalization much less useful.


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