[krbdev.mit.edu #6673] S4U2Proxy and kvno error

Greg Hudson via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri Mar 5 15:25:41 EST 2010

The reason for not matching the name is to work with service aliases. 
See http://k5wiki.kerberos.org/wiki/Projects/Aliases, specifically the
section "Server Principals".  There was also some discussion of this on
krbdev in December 2008 starting here:


The change being discussed there was to krb5_rd_req, and the change to
krb5_server_decrypt_ticket_keytab didn't happen until it was necessary
in order to make S4U testing with kvno work.  But the reasoning is the same.

I don't know the best resolution for your use case, because I'm not
familiar enough with AD to underestand why you'd have multiple entries
in a keytab for the same key with different names.

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