[krbdev.mit.edu #3334] libkrb5 treats all KDC errors as terminal

lukeh@padl.com via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri Mar 17 00:38:10 EST 2006

>Looks like this error code was quietly added from RFC 1510 -> RFC  
>4120 (somewhere between draft 03, 11/98, and draft 04, 6/99), without  
>any definition besides the not-very-helpful text "A service is not  
>available."  There is no indication in the main text when this error  
>code might be returned.  If it said "the KDC service is not  
>available", that might've been clearer, but "*a* service"??  What,  
>should we return this error if the local SMTP handler has been shut  

Ah, seems like it came from:


-- Luke


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