[krbdev.mit.edu #2143] Windows mslsa ccache not returning MSgeneratedcrossrealm tickets to gssapi

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at columbia.edu
Fri Jan 23 12:40:13 EST 2004

Douglas E. Engert wrote:

>You kepp a differnet schedule that I do, I see two krb5_32.dlls from you
>  Email time          file time in Zip file:
>  15:44:50-0500           3:41PM 
>  17:38:17-0500           5:36PM 
>I assume the first is the "morning" and the second the "afternoon" 
>I was running with the afternoon one, and have rebooted with the morning
>one. They appear to do the same thing.  
These days my schedule is all over the place.   Yesterday I was up 23 
hours driving to MIT at 6:30 and returning the same night followed by 
working when I got home.

>>thanks.  I am going to use the one from the morning unless we can prove your theory.
>The morning one looks OK. I think the difference would only show up
>if there where three realms involved. 
I agree.  The extra work only applies to the three realm case.   That is 
the one
we have to prove which way it goes.

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