[krbdev.mit.edu #2210] GSSAPI accept_sec_context() sets INTEG andCONF flags producing inconsistent state with cleint

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at columbia.edu
Fri Feb 6 12:42:06 EST 2004

The flags are what the client is capable of; not what the client wants.
If the flags are not set by the client and the server uses the 
anyway you will lose.

Douglas E. Engert wrote:

>The flags might be what the client appl wants, but the SSPI might be
>actually doing both because it only has an enctype that does both. 
>So the protection on the packets may be more then the client requested.
>So should the acceptor appl be told what the user requested, or what is
>actually being used?   
>Jeffrey Altman via RT wrote:
>>Microsoft reports that their Kerberos SSPI code is incompatible with MIT
>>GSSAPI when INTEG or CONF modes are used independent of one another.
>>1964 states that the INTEG and CONF flags are to indicate the
>>availability of the modes in the client.  They are not to be set by the
>>MIT's clients always set both flags which is fine, but we must be
>>prepared to accept security contexts which only set one of them.
>>krb5-bugs mailing list
>>krb5-bugs at mit.edu
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