[krbdev.mit.edu #1793]

Tom Yu via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Wed Sep 3 17:32:20 EDT 2003

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Subject: Re: [krbdev.mit.edu #1793] alpha-osf 1.3-branch nightly build 
 testfailures: rpc_test test suite errors out
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This brings up a nit I have had with almost all packages that build 
shared libs. They all assume that they can derived the -rpath from 
the -L or they don't support -rpath. (or -R or what ever.)
This is not always the case, and it may leave build directories in the
-rpath which could be a security risk.  

If you are making changes in this area, consider adding a configure
option to allow one to specify the -rpath to be used. 

This in not as critical with Kerberos, as it does not depend on
any other packages. But packages like OpenSSH depend on OpenSSL,
Kerberos, wrapper, etc. And it is common to build and install them
as a group. 
Just an idea.  

Ken Raeburn via RT wrote:
> Quick analysis:
> The QUALNAME environment variable points to a perl script from
> kadmin/testing/scripts, modified at configuration or build time to point
> to the local perl executable.  On Tru64, that perl executable is set to
> load a dynamic library libperl.so from a non-standard directory.
> In the shared library tests, the environment is tweaked to force our own
> shared libraries to be found first.  I believe the way this is done has
> the side effect of preventing libperl.so from being found at all.
> So we probably need either (1) a quick hack to add the perl library
> directory to the library search path, or (2) a proper fix to make our
> libraries be found first, but still permit any directories configured
> into executables to be searched after ours.
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 Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at anl.gov>
 Argonne National Laboratory
 9700 South Cass Avenue
 Argonne, Illinois  60439 
 (630) 252-5444
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