[krbdev.mit.edu #1671] no locking used when reading/writing replay cache?

Sam Hartman via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Wed Jul 16 14:33:54 EDT 2003

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Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 17:56:51 -0400
From: Cesar Garcia <Cesar.Garcia at morganstanley.com>
To: kerberos at mit.edu
Subject: no file locking used when reading/writing replay cache?
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There does not appear to be use of file locks when reading/writing to
replay cache files.


We are implementing gss authentication via client and server side
security exits invoked by a vendor application. The application is
both multi-processed and multi-threaded. We have applied various
patches in order to get this code to run cleanly under Purify and use
a mutex in both the client and server side to serialize the entire
sequence of gss calls (within a single process only, of course).

Under extremely high load (note this involves multiple app-server
processes), we are getting SEGVs in our security exit. Unfortunately
the vendor product catches SEGV, so getting a core, stack trace, etc,
will involve some work.

In the mean time, I noticed that there is no use of file locking when
reading/writing to the replay cache. Unfortunately, I also don't have
copy of the replay cache file for us to examine. I wish I had more to
work with - I'm working with the application team to get better data.
However, even if this is not the cause of the problem we saw, I
thought it might be worth raising this issue.

Any insight would be appreciated.

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