Integrating Kerberos with a Java application using JAAS

Aparajita Singh aparajita.1194 at
Fri Jun 12 13:33:49 EDT 2020

Thanks Greg for the quick response.

I don't need to use the same principal name for client and server. I had
initially configured the server to use principal name "host/
stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka" but I could see in krb5kdc log file
that when the client tried to request data from the server it was
requesting for a service ticket for service principal "zookeeper/
stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka" when it should be requesting for "host/
stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka". The log from the KDC is below. My
current focus is to integrate the KDC with the zookeeper cluster so I am
using the same principal for both server and client for the time being.
*KDC log:*
Jun 12 18:09:11 stage-kdc-zk-2face krb5kdc[1391](info): TGS_REQ (4 etypes
{aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96(18), aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96(17),
DEPRECATED:des3-cbc-sha1(16), DEPRECATED:arcfour-hmac(23)})
ISSUE: authtime 1591965551, etypes {rep=aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96(18),
tkt=aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96(18), ses=aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96(18)},
zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka for
zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka

As per the output of kvno and klist commands, the key version is 1 in both
but there were duplicate entries in the keytab for each encryption type. I
must have created duplicates in the keytab while testing so I destroyed the
database (didn't need to but I got confused here) and created new
principals and then generated a new keytab. I used kinit to generate a
ticket for "zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka" principal and
then used the kvno and klist commands shared by you to verify the version
This was the output:
*user at stage-kdc-zk-2face:~$* sudo /krb5/bin/kvno -k /etc/krb5.keytab
zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka
zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka: kvno = 1, keytab entry valid
*user at stage-kdc-zk-2face:~$* sudo /krb5/bin/klist -e -k /etc/krb5.keytab |
grep zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka
   1 zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
   1 zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka (aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96)

Seems like there is no mismatch in the keys. I set the "useTicketCache"
config to true and verified that it was using the ticket cache by checking
debug logs from zookeeper client. The issue is still persisting and the
logs from my original email haven't changed.

On Fri, 12 Jun 2020 at 21:18, Greg Hudson <ghudson at> wrote:

> On 6/12/20 10:05 AM, Aparajita Singh wrote:
> > [Caused by GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism
> > level: Invalid argument (400) - Cannot find key of appropriate type to
> > decrypt AP REP - AES256 CTS mode with HMAC SHA1-96)]
> Most likely the long-term key of the service as seen by the KDC does not
> match the entry in the keytab of the service.
> Each time you run the kadmin "ktadd" command, new keys are generated for
> the service, with a new key version number (kvno), and are added to the
> keytab on whatever machine you run it as.  Any existing keytab file
> elsewhere is invalidated by the generation of new keys.
> Since you are using the same client and service principal name (why?),
> you may have provisioned keytab files for the same principal name on the
> client and server hosts.  If you really need to use the same client and
> server principal name, you will need to provision one keytab file and
> copy it around (with scp or similar) rather than provision it separately
> on each machine.
> You can use "kvno zookeeper/stage-kdc-zk-2face at stage.fdp.kafka" on the
> client to see what kvno of tickets the KDC issued to the client.  You
> can use "klist -k" or "klist -k -t /path/to/keytab" to see the kvno
> present in a keytab file.
> As an aside, the instructions you reference are from 17 years ago.
> Please refer to


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