non-POSIX use in yacc with getdate.y

Robbie Harwood rharwood at
Wed Sep 26 12:43:44 EDT 2018

"Osipov, Michael" <michael.osipov at> writes:

> Am 2018-09-25 um 19:25 schrieb Robbie Harwood:
>> "Osipov, Michael" <michael.osipov at> writes:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I have recently compiled MIT Kerberos 1.16.1 on HP-UX and yacc failed with:
>>>> "./kadmin/cli/getdate.y", line 180: fatal error: invalid escape, or illegal reserved word: expect
>>> Change introduced in
>>> I contacted HPE about this and it turned out that their yacc
>>> implementation does not support extensions as the GNU or BSD
>>> counterparts do.
>>> I'd like to have this fixed somehow and there are several ways to do this:
>>> * Remove this line manually before compiling on the platform which does
>>> not support this "%expect" extension
>>> * Revert the commit and live with the verbose output
>>> * Test for this extension in the script
>>> * Require GNU bison if yacc is POSIX only. Note I am reluctant to this
>>> because this is merely one line for less verbose output?
>>> Any comments from the devs?
>> As the author of the change, it wasn't my intent to mandate GNU bison
>> here.  Platform checking/configure tests seem like overkill for just a
>> warning.  The intent was to get the codebase to be warning-free on clang
>> on Travis to help with code reviews.
> Hi Robbie,
> I never assumed anything else ;-) Bison also has a YACC mode with '-y', 
> but I do not know whether extensions will be disabled.
>> I've opened to revert this change.
> Looks promising, but I would leave the %expect as a comment and add a 
> comment above why we cannot enable this.

Sounds reasonable; updated.

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