kinit from java

Jorj Bauer jorj at
Wed Jun 22 08:19:18 EDT 2016

If you're looking for real kinit functionality so that you can interact 
with kerberized services, you might just shell exec kinit. Others on the 
list might have better suggestions.

If you're looking to validate username/password logins via Kerberos 
(which is the context in which I'm accustomed to hearing that question), 
then this jar might help you:

-- Jorj

On 06/22/2016 02:37 AM, Ghosh, Parthapratim  wrote:
> Hi Kerberos team,
> I have the following question -
> How can one simulate kinit call with userid and password from java. I have a java process running and want to kinit from that process.
> Thanks and Regards
> Partha Pratim Ghosh
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