Problems parsing old krbPrincipalKey attributes from LDAP backend

Frank Steinberg steinberg at
Mon May 26 06:45:27 EDT 2014

Am 25.05.2014 um 05:14 schrieb Greg Hudson <ghudson at MIT.EDU>:

> If you decide to go with patching the KDC, the candidate fixes are here:
> These changes should get pushed to master within a week or so, and
> will eventually make their way into 1.12 and probably 1.11 patch releases.

I took some time to find a python ASN.1 decoder/encoder and came up with
the following python script. It should be able to convert the key data,
so that a KrbSalt with only a type == 0 will be added where it's missing.
With two test cases it seemed to work for me. However I did not yet apply
it to our whole user database. If you have any comments, please let me know.

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