Request to change MIT Kerberos behavior when principal is expired, deleted or password changed

Chris Hecker checker at
Fri Mar 7 17:09:59 EST 2014

[Oops, meant this to go to the list but sent it to Nico.]

This is related to this thread I started a long time ago.  I have my KDC 
patched to do this, and Greg offered to take the patch, but then the 
1.10 KDC rearchitecture thing happened and I haven't updated it yet.

I will eventually update my patch, but if somebody beats me to it, 
that'd be cool too.


On 2014-03-06 12:37, Nico Williams wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Edgecombe, Jason <jwedgeco at> wrote:
>> Does Heimdal reject requests for expired/disabled accounts as well?
> It rejects in these cases:
>   - the HDB doesn't have an entry for the client principal but should have
>   - the HDB did have an entry and the client principal was marked locked out
>   - the HDB did have an entry and the client principal was marked invalid
>   - the HDB did have an entry and the client principal was marked not a client
>   - the HDB did have an entry and the client principal's valid_start
> (which is only really supported via the LDAP HDB backend)
>   - the HDB did have an entry and the client principal requires a password change
>   - the HDB did have an entry and the client principal's password is expired
> It'd be trivial to reject requests using tickets predating the last
> password change.
> Nico
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