Advice on cross-realm PKINIT?

Nordgren, Bryce L -FS bnordgren at
Mon Jun 9 15:28:45 EDT 2014

I have a little test setup where I am trying to get my KDC to issue credentials for principals "non-local" realms using PKINIT. I ran through the docs  here: .

My local realm is EXAMPLE.COM and the foreign realm is EXTERNAL.ORG.

Success is defined as getting a TGT.

Using a certificate for a concrete principal in EXAMPLE.COM: Success
Using a certificate for a non-existant principal in EXTERNAL.ORG: ("Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials.")
Using a certificate for a concrete principal in EXTERNAL.ORG (e.g., I made a principal test at EXTERNAL.ORG<mailto:test at EXTERNAL.ORG> locally): ("Realm not local to KDC while getting initial credentials.")

How do I set up PKINIT so that the principal: 1] does not have to exist in the local database; and 2] can be from a non-local realm?

Thanks much,

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