Several MIT Kerberos infrastructures and user certificate marsipulami at
Mon Oct 21 10:20:28 EDT 2013

Hello everyone,

We're currently deploying several MIT Kerberos infrastructures (e.g. : realms - JCE.POD & LJK.DEV) in our organization. 

Now, we want to authenticate users (e.g. : AUserID at JCE.POD & AUserID at LJK.DEV) with a unique user certificate (X509) thanks to PKINIT.

So I followed this doc :

But, with this solution, we have two problems : 
- We have to define the REALM and the CLIENT in the client certificate and our PKI doesn't deliver this type of certificate with this extension.
- We would like a unique user certificate to authenticate users in all our differents realms, so we can't add the REALM in the certificate.

Can we use the attribute Subject (e.g. : AUserID) without use the certificate extension ?

Thank you for your help.


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