client's system clock is ahead of KDC system clock

Marcus Watts mdw at
Tue Jan 29 18:09:13 EST 2013

> Date:    Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:43:17 PST
> To:      "kerberos at" <kerberos at>
> From:    Jim Shi <hanmao_shi at>
> Subject: client's system clock is ahead of KDC system clock
> Hi, if a client's system clock is one hour ahead of KDC system clock, should I 
> get a valid TGT?, or 
> should I get clock skewed error? 
> We have clients that are able to get TGT when system clock is ahead of server c
> lock. Any idea if this is client issue? a  KDC server issue?
> Thanks
> Jim
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> Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos at

Actually it's a perfectly valid case (so far as the kdc is concerned);
you're just getting postdated tickets that will be valid in one hour.
So if you're patient...

The more interesting case is if the clock is only a fraction
of a second fast.  This isn't a problem for users, but it
is a problem for scripts that get a ticket and immediately use
it: the result is sometimes the ticket will work, and
sometimes it won't.

					-Marcus Watts

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