Authenticate as user/instance

John Devitofranceschi jdvf at
Mon Mar 12 21:58:48 EDT 2012

I think you're not going to be able to do this without a local keytab.

Keep your local keytabs in a consistent place, like /var/spool/keytabs/LOGINNAME and then, when you log in as LOGINNAME make certain that KRB5_KTNAME is set to the right keytab in the user's .profile or the system .profile and, if it exists, run "kinit -k".


On Mar 12, 2012, at 12:24, Tiago Elvas <tiagoelvas at> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I would like to configure my machine so that when I login as user
> "operator" I get a credential as operator/instance, where instance should
> be the hostname.
> The idea is that if I login as "operator" in both machines I get different
> tickets. I thought that the instance should be the hostname but I haven't
> yet found information on how to configure this:
>   - ticket as operator/
>   - ticket as operator/
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Tiago
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