Question on k5start daemon-related example in k5start manual

Holger Rauch holger.rauch at
Tue Aug 31 09:07:29 EDT 2010

Hi Russ (and all the others as well),

I came accross

and saw the following excerpt (sample code) for use in (Debian) init scripts


Starts k5start as a daemon using the Debian start-stop-daemon
management program. This is the sort of line that one could put into a
Debian init script:

    start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/ \
            --exec /usr/local/bin/k5start -- -b -p
/var/run/ \
        -f /etc/krb5.keytab host/
	This uses /var/run/ as the PID file and obtains
host/ tickets from the system keytab file. k5start would
then be stopped with:

    start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile /var/run/
        rm -f /var/run/
	This code could be added to an init script for Apache, for
example, to start a k5start process alongside Apache to manage its
Kerberos credentials. 


My questions:

- When using k5start in this way, should only host principals be used
  or should it also work with user principals?
- What maximum ticket lifetime is assumed/recommended for the used
  principal(s) so that this particular approach works as expected?
  (By "as expected" I mean that Apache runs possibly indefinitely
  (provided that the Apache process doesn't dump core :-) ),
  i.e. without having to be restarted manually just in order
  to obtain a new, "fresh" Kerberos ticket for the corresponding
Thanks in advance & kind regards,

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