Windows client authentication problem

Richard E. Silverman res at
Thu Jan 29 01:16:48 EST 2009

>>>>> "VVN" == Viji V Nair <vijivijayakumar at> writes:

    VVN> Hi, I am trying to authenticate windows xp clients to an MIT
    VVN> kerberos server.  The Server is on a Linux machine and I have
    VVN> both windows and Linux clients on my network. I have followed the
    VVN> below steps, but no success.

    VVN> Configured the kerberos server and Linux clients are
    VVN> authenticating properly, but no success on windows clients. On
    VVN> the kerberos Server I have created a host principal using the
    VVN> following command.

    VVN> # kadmin -q "ank host/" (I tried kadmin -q
    VVN> "ank host/bmdata01" also)

    VVN> On the windows xp client(bmdata01),

    VVN> C:> ksetup /setrealm TESTING.COM C:> ksetup /addkdc TESTING.COM
    VVN> C:> ksetup /setmachpassword <password> C:>
    VVN> ksetup /mapuser admin at TESTING.COM guest C:> ksetup /mapuser * *

    VVN> After the reboot windows is showing TESTING.COM as a Kerberos
    VVN> Realm on the login screen, but when I try to login using a
    VVN> kerberos user it is throwing the following error.

    VVN> *"The system could not log you on. Make sure your user name and
    VVN> domain are correct, and then type your password again. Letters in
    VVN> passwords must be typed using the correct case."*

    VVN> But the kerberos server is issuing the tickets, the log shows:

    VVN> Dec 30 22:36:03 krb5kdc[5179](info): AS_REQ (7
    VVN> etypes {23 -133 -128 3 1 24 -135}) NEEDED_PREAUTH:
    VVN> admin at TESTING.COM for krbtgt/TESTING.COM at TESTING.COM, Additional
    VVN> pre-authentication required Dec 30 22:36:03
    VVN> krb5kdc[5179](info): AS_REQ (3 etypes {23 3 1})
    VVN> ISSUE: authtime 1230656763, etypes {rep=23 tkt=18 ses=23},
    VVN> admin at TESTING.COM for krbtgt/TESTING.COM at TESTING.COM Dec 30
    VVN> 22:36:03 krb5kdc[5179](info): TGS_REQ (7 etypes
    VVN> {23 -133 -128 3 1 24 -135}) ISSUE: authtime
    VVN> 1230656763, etypes {rep=23 tkt=18 ses=23}, admin at TESTING.COM for
    VVN> host/ TESTING.COM

Make sure both the machine and user principals on the KDC only have RC4 or
DES keys.  The session key here is RC4 (23), but the ticket is AES (18).

    VVN> I have found some article on Microsoft website, saying this is a
    VVN> bug and apply the latest service pack (SP3), I even tried that,
    VVN> but no success.


    VVN> Similar Thread:

    VVN> c:> ksetup.exe default realm = TESTING.COM (external)
    VVN> TESTING.COM: kdc = Realm Flags = 0x0 none
    VVN> Mapping all users (*) to guest.  Mapping admin to guest.

    VVN> # cat /etc/krb5.conf

    VVN> [logging] default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log kdc =
    VVN> FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log admin_server =
    VVN> FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

    VVN> [libdefaults] default_realm = TESTING.COM dns_lookup_realm = true
    VVN> dns_lookup_kdc = true ticket_lifetime = 24h forwardable = yes

    VVN> [realms] TESTING.COM = { kdc = admin_server =
    VVN> default_domain =
    VVN> }


    VVN> [appdefaults] pam = { debug = false ticket_lifetime = 36000
    VVN> renew_lifetime = 36000 forwardable = true krb4_convert = false
    VVN>  }

    VVN>   TESTING.COM = { db_library = kldap ldap_servers =
    VVN> ldap:// ldap_kerberos_container_dn =
    VVN> cn=kerberos,dc=testing,dc=com ldap_kdc_dn =
    VVN> uid=kdc,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=testing,dc=com ldap_kadmind_dn =
    VVN> uid=kdc,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=testing,dc=com
    VVN> ldap_service_password_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/ldappwd
    VVN>   }

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

    VVN> Thanks & Regards Viji

  Richard Silverman
  res at

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