Still distributing KFW 2.6.5 to your users? Please don't.

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Mon Jun 23 18:08:49 EDT 2008

Kerberos for Windows 2.6.5 was released on 17 September 2004.
KFW 2.6.5 was the first release with an MSI installer, it
included krb5_32.dll version 1.3.5, and was compatible with
Windows XP Service Pack 2.  As a result it was distributed
far a wide but ...

It is almost four years later.  Vista and Server 2008 are
widely deployed.  XP SP3 is out as is 2003 SP2 and 64-bit
Windows on Windows environments are widely available. 
KFW 2.6.5 was not developed with these environments in mind
because they had not been shipped by Microsoft.  KFW 2.6.5
is very unstable on these platforms. 

Microsoft Windows Error Reporting receives close to 200 crash
reports a day from deployed KFW 2.6.5 clients.  This rate is
more than 200 times higher than the report rate for the
KFW 3.2.2 release.  If you are still deploying KFW 2.6.5 to your
end users, please stop doing so.  The release is simply no
longer stable on modern versions of Microsoft Windows.

If you require KFW support for your users, please upgrade to
the current release.  If there is a bug or incompatibility
that prevents you from upgrading, please file a bug report.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

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