krb5_cc_resolve is crashing in windows XP

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Mon Sep 24 07:49:46 EDT 2007

eswars wrote:
> Hi,
>        I am trying to import Microsoft cached tickets using code of ms2mit.
>        In windows XP krb5_cc_resolve is crashing when trying to resolve
> "MSLSA:"
> This I got when I login into system as domain administrator.
>      Can please suggest me how can I fix this or any patch details.
>       I am using kfw-3-2-1-src. I build in VC++2005 SP1 as per windows
> README doc with NODEBUG=1.
This is not a known bug and it is not easily reproducible.

Can you provide a stack trace showing where the crash is occurring? 

If so, please send a bug report to kfw-bugs at including the stack
trace and other details that might be helpful in reproducing the issue
such as language version of XP being used and the XP Service Pack level.


Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

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