mit kerberos and openldap

Roberto C. Sánchez roberto at
Mon Nov 12 09:15:12 EST 2007

On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 08:06:43PM +0600, Konstantin Verba wrote:
>  Hello, I'm trying to setup Single Sign-On useing mit kerberos and openldap. 
> I've already have slapd configured and running, and created kerberos 
> containers in ldap with kdb5_ldap_util. But as I can see, I have two 
> different trees of entities, one is the krbcontainer tree and another is my 
> ou, where I keep test user's account with inetOrgPerson (structural) 
> objectClass. Problem is I want that user authentificate with kerberos and 
> then get access to uid and other data in ldap. Howto to keep this all 
> together? I've already created mixed object class with inetorgperson and 
> krbperson as parents, but krbPrincipalName and uid are steel different 
> fields. 

I accomplished something like what you are describing by not putting any
kerberos-related information into LDAP and telling PAM on the clients to
autenticate against kerberos and to get everything else from LDAP.


Roberto C. Sánchez
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