RES: RES: RES: mod_auth_kerb credential error for principal
Edson Habowsky
EdsonH at
Wed Mar 28 06:52:39 EDT 2007
It's solved! (a bit)
I put the parameter into httpd.conf:
KrbVerifyKDC off
KrbServiceName HTTP
and it started working!!
Tkx a lot,
Edson Habowsky
Departamento de Sistemas de Informação
Sc Data Center - Tecnologia
Analista de Infra - Servidores/Storage
Fone: 55 (47) 3276 4619 - edsonh at
WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. - Corporativo
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Douglas E. Engert [mailto:deengert at]
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2007 15:59
Para: Edson Habowsky
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: mod_auth_kerb credential error for principal
Ask your question on the mod_auth_kerb list.
Edson Habowsky wrote:
> Yupeeee..
> I got something.
> I reset the pwd of the user, and started over all thing and now I'm able to do the kinit -kt ../../apache.keytab HTTP/ at DOMAIN.COM
> And if I run klist.. I got the default Principal ticket OK in the cache. NICE...
> But,
> Now if I try access the webserver I'm not able to authenticate, and if I see the /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log I see this:
> failed to verify krb5 credentials: Server not found in Kerberos database
> Do you know what is this? I'm still with same problem?
> Edson Habowsky
> Departamento de Sistemas de Informação
> Sc Data Center - Tecnologia
> Analista de Infra - Servidores/Storage
> Fone: 55 (47) 3276 4619 - edsonh at
> WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. - Corporativo
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: Edson Habowsky
> Enviada em: sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2007 14:42
> Para: 'Douglas E. Engert'
> Assunto: RES: RES: mod_auth_kerb credential error for principal
> Man, this is driving me crazy already..
> I'm using a tool called adsiedit from M$ in order to edit the user properties and the principal properties. What I do is delete from both, the information that indicates who is the PrincipalService and the user mapped to it.
> Then I run ktpass again with -mapuser myuser (the mapuser:myuser doesn't work) in order to generate the keytab again. This works!.
> Then I put this file into the linux box, wich is the principal, and run kinit program over the key, and I get the msg already related here.
> " kinit(v5): Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials"
> I already tested with other user to this principal and also I reset the account for this principal at M$ AD side, and I'm still having same msg.
> Edson Habowsky
> Departamento de Sistemas de Informação
> Sc Data Center - Tecnologia
> Analista de Infra - Servidores/Storage
> Fone: 55 (47) 3276 4619 - edsonh at
> WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. - Corporativo
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: Douglas E. Engert [mailto:deengert at]
> Enviada em: sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2007 13:16
> Para: Edson Habowsky
> Assunto: Re: RES: mod_auth_kerb credential error for principal
> Edson Habowsky wrote:
>> I did it with the lowercase:
>> [root at linuxserver ~]# kinit -k -t /usr/local/apache2/conf/apache.keytab HTTP/ at DOMAIN.COM
>> kinit(v5): Preauthentication failed while getting initial credentials
>> before I do this above, I ran adsiedit and deledte de userprincipal from linuxserver and the principal associated to the the useraccount. Then I generate the keytab.
> It is not clear what you did. Did you start over?
> The password used with the service account, (what you have been calling myuser)
> has to be the same password used with the ktpass command to create the
> keytab.
> I would stat over, by deleting the "myuser" account.
> Then have your AD create an account with the name HTTP-linuxserver
> It can not have a "/"must be 20 characters or less and unique name
> with in the AD forest. It is the samAccountName.
> The run the ktpass using /mapuser:HTTP-linuxserver
>> Edson Habowsky
>> Departamento de Sistemas de Informação
>> Sc Data Center - Tecnologia
>> Analista de Infra - Servidores/Storage
>> Fone: 55 (47) 3276 4619 - edsonh at
>> WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. - Corporativo
>> -----Mensagem original-----
>> De: Douglas E. Engert [mailto:deengert at]
>> Enviada em: quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2007 16:57
>> Para: Edson Habowsky
>> Cc: kerberos at
>> Assunto: Re: mod_auth_kerb credential error for principal
>> A couple of things.
>> AD is case insenitive, but Kerberos is not.
>> the principal should have lowercase host name.
>> fix it now before it causes more problems.
>> kinit requires a principal as a parameter.
>> kinit -k \
>> -t /usr/local/apache2/conf/apache.keytab \
>> Thae account name myuser, should relate tothe
>> principal name, aseach principal will need an account.
>> (MS called it a user account, it isnot a real user, it is
>> forthe service.)
>> Edson Habowsky wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm facing serious problem with Kerberos ticket
>>> I'm trying authenticate Windows users to the Linux apache webserver using Kerberos authenticate method, and for apache mod_auth_kerb.
>>> Having problems with keytab.
>>> Targeting domain controller:
>>> Successfully mapped HTTP/ to myuser.
>>> Type the password for HTTP/
>>> Type the password again to confirm:
>>> Key created.
>>> Output keytab to c:\temp\apache.keytab:
>>> Keytab version: 0x502
>>> keysize 56 HTTP/ at WEG.NET ptype 1 (KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL) vno 23 etyp
>>> e 0x3 (DES-CBC-MD5) keylength 8 (0x2f342c51891c1c68)
>>> Account myuser has been set for DES-only encryption.
>>>> I'm trying use this keytab at the linux apache server with
>>>> mod_auth_kerb; and if put the apache.keytab that was just created at windows side, into linux side, it
>>>> doesn't work. I got the error when I run the kinit command:
>>>> #kinit -k -t /usr/local/apache2/conf/apache.keytab
>>>> kinit(v5): Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial
>>>> credentials
>>> If I run kinit myuser and put my passwd, it works fine, and after run this, if I run klist it bring me the cached ticket fine.
>>> Also, if I run kutil and check kvno into the keytab, it give me the right number (same as the one created at windows site through the ktpass).
>>>> May someone help me please,
>>>> I'm stuck on this, almost one week, and don't know what else to do.
>>> Edson Habowsky
>>> Departamento de Sistemas de Informação
>>> Sc Data Center - Tecnologia
>>> Analista de Infra - Servidores/Storage
>>> Fone: 55 (47) 3276 4619 - edsonh at <mailto:edsonh at>
>>> WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. - Corporativo
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