configuring KfW to auto-get afs tokens as well

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Tue Aug 28 16:38:22 EDT 2007

This is an openafs question.  Please read the release notes
for OpenAFS for Windows.

David Bear wrote:
> I wasn't sure this was a kerb or openafs question -- so I thought I
> would start here.
> I have our K5 realm configuration set ok for our KfW installation. I
> get kerb tgts. However, I don't automatically get openafs tokens. I
> can just run 'aklog' and get them quickly, but I don't see why I
> should need to do that.
> Is there a KfW setting to automatically run aklog or is there some
> other setting I need to make for openafs?
> btw, I think I have openafs to set to automatically get tokens on
> logon. The machines in question may or may not be joined to AD realms.
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