Use of FQDN in key (Was: Solaris 10)

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Tue Jan 10 12:00:05 EST 2006

If its one host or your own private network, you don't have to use
DNS, matching /etc/hosts files will do. And you could use unqualified
names but then you could never join the rest of the internet.
Your example impled that you where uisng the internet, but nslookup
can't find

Turbo Fredriksson wrote:

> Quoting Ken Raeburn <raeburn at MIT.EDU>:
>>On Jan 10, 2006, at 03:27, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
>>>Quoting "Douglas E. Engert" <deengert at>:
>>>>The kadmin/icarus at PHUSNIKN.NET should be kadmin/
>>>>i.e. host names in Kerberos are always FQDN.
>>>Just for completeness, my extream curiosity etc. Why EXACTLY is
>>>that. If the
>>>DNS works perfectly (both forward and reverse), then it should be
>>>possible to
>>>NOT have the FQDN... ?
>>There may be hosts from multiple subdomains in one realm.  For
>>example, and; if you use
>>only the first component, host/foo at EXAMPLE.COM corresponds to which...?
>>>And why not use IP's (other than if the IP change, the
>>>key is invalid)?
> Oki, point taken. I'm trying to put this information into my own
> use, and I only have _one_ machine called 'foo', so that/this reason
> isn't valid for _me_.
>>Isn't that a pretty good reason right there?
> Absolutly! I was wondering if there where any other, not so obvious
> ones :)
>>Also, a host may have multiple IP addresses.  (Then again, it may
>>also have multiple names....)
> True, but (again), in my usage there's only _one_ 'primary' IP, the
> rest is "sub-IP's" (used for SSL sites etc, nothing else).
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  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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