KDC Hardware

Amir Saad Amir.Saad at bibalex.org
Sun Jan 8 09:43:34 EST 2006

so sorry i didn't mean that, i mean to secure not to avoid to secure (so sorry!)


From: kerberos-bounces at mit.edu on behalf of Turbo Fredriksson
Sent: Sun 1/8/2006 2:04 PM
To: kerberos at mit.edu
Subject: Re: KDC Hardware

Quoting "Amir Saad" <Amir.Saad at bibalex.org>:

> actually, i was thinking of two separate machines one for the KDC
> and the other for the OpenLDAP, i read an article that suggests the
> separation to avoid to secure the KDC.

To avoid securing the KDC!?!? Sorry, but whoever wrote that must be
drunk (or know something I don't :).

The KDC is the single most important part of you whole network! If that
is cracked (i.e. someone gains root access on it), then you're screwed!
It have access to EVERYTHING basically.

In my opinion, the KDC is the one you should 'guard with your life'.
Everything else can be fixed if it get's cracked, but if the KDC is
cracked, EVERY SINGLE USER must change password/passphrase and the machine
MUST (for safety) be totaly reinstalled.

The LDAP server is nowhere NEAR as important. If they crack that,
all they'll get is ... what, nothing basically?

If _I_ had my LDAP server on a totaly separate machine, and that
was cracked, all the cracker would get is information on what
email addresses the user(s) have, what shell, uid/gid and home/mail
directory they have. True, there's somewhat censetive information
there - their telephone number and address (not all users have that
info though).
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