question about kerberos

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at
Wed Aug 16 15:43:25 EDT 2006

On Wednesday, August 16, 2006 08:51:45 AM -0700 Nor Mas Ayu Adam 
<nma_ayu at> wrote:

> greeting to you.
>   I'm ayu, a comp science student. Currently i'm doing a research about
> Kerberos that have  been developed as part of project athenna at MIT.
>   so would you give me an information about the requirement for kerberos
> and the authentication dialog in both kerberos Version 4 &  5.
>   and also, i will feel glad if you can give me more explanation what is
> kerberos in general.
>   i would like to hear from MIT soon.

If you're doing research, I suggest you do some, instead of asking someone 
else to supply you with the answers.  I'll give you three hints as to what 
might be good starting places, depending on the level of detail you need:

1. <>
   The first several matches here are reasonable sources on the topic.

2. <>
   "Designing an Authentication System: a Dialogue in Four Scenes"
   The canonical basic explanation of the how's and why's of Kerberos.
   Computer Science students should have no trouble following this.

3. RFC 4120 <>
   The official Kerberos protocol specification.

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