Secure Transfer of Keytab file from Windows DC to embedded device

Markus Moeller huaraz at
Sat Nov 26 10:31:06 EST 2005


there are tools available for this like ads net join which is part of samba, 
or use Dan Perry's tool at . I have also an updated ktpass tool 
for Unix on sourceforge
based on MS open source.


<sandypossible at> wrote in message 
news:1132576835.872341.207680 at
> Hi all,
> I am working on implementing Kerberos on an embedded device. I am using
> windows DC as KDC for the embedded device. Since the keytab for my
> device has to be created on the windows DC. I am mainly looking in to
> how to get it on the device securely.
> * Do I need to copy the keytab file from windows DC to my device ? I
> mean, is there any automated way of doing this on the  device itself
> similar to kadmin, ktadd  ? I didnt find any info regarding this.
> * Is there already a defined protocol for copying keytab from windows
> DC  ? Documents say "copy the keytab from windows DC to the application
> server"
> * If I MUST copy the keytab file from windows DC to the device, will
> just copying using ftp or any other method which is not secure will do
> ?
> * If I have to copy it securely,  how can I copy it securely ? Do I
> need to use secure ftp or any such method ?
> Could any body please let me know which will be the best way of doing
> this ?
> Regards
> Sandy
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