MIT + Heimdal + openssh == cross realm difficulties

Priit Randla priit.randla at
Fri Feb 25 08:20:33 EST 2005

Douglas E. Engert wrote:

> Priit Randla wrote:
>> Douglas E. Engert wrote:
>>> do you have a .k5login file in the home directory on srv1.bbb
>>> which has
>>> priitr at AAA
>>    Well, of cource I didn't. When I created it, I could log in using 
>> both telnet and openssh. Thank You,
>> I haven't used .rlogin-alikes a long time now...
>> But certainly there is another way to do that; I mean, as I have lots 
>> of workstations and
>> servers (~ 1000) to log on, there should be another way to maintain 
>> cross-realm trust, shouldn't it?
> Yes and no. The .k5login is really authorization, it is the ACL for
> access to the user account on the host. By default it is assumed that
> users in the same realm as the server, have matching local account names
> and principal names, and thus no .k5login is needed.
> If you want some default other then this you have to consider
> the policies used with the two realms, i.e. a user in one is equivalent
> to a user in the other, etc.
>> To create .k5login files for every account on every host doesn't seem 
>> like an elegant solution?
>> Hopefully I'm overlooking something trivial, could you please 
>> enlighten me? I really don't know...
> With MIT see the auth_to_local rule in the krb5.conf:
> Its something like this, better test it:
> [realms]
>   ONE.EYP.EE = {
>     ...
>     auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$1@$0](^.*@TWO.EYP.EE$)s/@TWO.EYP.EE//
>     auth_to_local = DEFAULT
>   }
>    TWO.EYP.EE = {
>     ...
>   }   
> This would say that the host in realm ONE.EYP.EE would accept a
> principal from realm TWO.EYP.EE as long as the user part of the principal
> matched the local account.
> Not sure if Heimdal has any thing similiar.
    Thank you very much, auth_to_local really got me going.
Heimdal doesn't seem to have auth_to_local,  I had to use 'default_realm 
= BBB AAA' there
for openssh to let users with TGT at AAA in.
Currently 'almost' all seems to work as expected - I'm so far unable to 
get openssh with pam on Heimdal
to save obtained TGT with flags intact - TGT gets written but without 
any flags. I think its got something
to do with SuSe as doing openssh the other way (from SuSe (heimdal)) to 
RedHat(mit)) tgt gets saved with
all required flags intact.


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