AW: Error in client with kerberos and SAP SSO
Barbat, Calin
c.barbat at
Mon Feb 21 06:06:43 EST 2005
Hi Juan,
no, I didn't have this problem before, but I assume that it has to do with the life-time of the user credentials in AD. Could be that there is a configuration option to say "Infinite", or so.
Did you look in the MS site? Perhaps they have a solution. "LSA-Cache refresh" could be something to look after.
Have a nice day,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: kerberos-bounces at [mailto:kerberos-bounces at]Im
Auftrag von Juan Manuel Sestelo
Gesendet: Freitag, 18. Februar 2005 16:25
An: Kerberos MIT
Betreff: Error in client with kerberos and SAP SSO
I have implemented an SSO solution with kerberos5, SNC, Active Directory 2K3 with SAP(Unix
Server). It Works fine, but I found an error in some clients that I want to investigate.
Some days, in the morning (note: users don't close the windows sessions at the end of work-day,
they block-out their computers), when users try to connect to SAP, they receive the following
client error (in the SAP client log):
Sapgui 620 [Build 8966] Wed Feb 16 10:03:14 2005: 'GSS-API(maj): No valid credentials provided (or
available) GSS-API(min): No Kerberos SSPI credentials available for requested nam
name="p:user at SITE.DOMAIN.COM"
Component SNC (Secure Network Communication)
Release 620
Version 5
Module sncxxall.c
Line 1223
Method SncPAcquireCred
Return Code -4
System Call gss_acquire_cred
Counter 4
or this one:
Sapgui 620 [Build 8966] Tue Feb 15 10:21:59 2005 : 'SNCERR_GSSAPI
An operation failed at the GSS-API level sec_avail="false"
Component SNC (Secure Network Communication)
Release 620
Version 5
Module sncxx.c
Method SncInit
Return Code -4
Counter 2
The problem ends if the user close it windows session and start it again.
Someone knows this error?
Thanks in advance!
Juan M Sestelo
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