kinit locking up

Jon DeVree jadevree at
Thu Dec 15 01:50:30 EST 2005

On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 07:39:56PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> One thing that I did notice was a bunch of SASL calls earlier on.  I think
> the invalid reads there are probably just the standard noise that
> doesn't appear to mean anything, but their presence indicates that you're
> using some nsswitch module (I'm guessing) that uses SASL.  Are you using
> LDAP to do UID lookups, by any chance?

Yes and I just made a non-LDAP account with a kerberos principal and
kinit ran fine.

"Only in the tales that humans tell do the hunters kill the wolves in the end." -- Jin-Roh
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