kinit locking up

Jon DeVree jadevree at
Sat Dec 10 17:56:17 EST 2005

I recently upgraded from kerberos5 1.3.6 to 1.4.3 (Debian packages)
and now kinit has some interesting behavior. I think this is also why
SSH behaves strangely on my system now.
										$ kinit jon at SETEC
Password for jon at SETEC:
$ kdestroy
$ kinit
Password for jon at SETEC:
*hangs forever after password is entered*

If I already have a tgt and run just "kinit" it works perfectly fine.

The lockup comes from the mutex lock run in krb5_fcc_initialize and             
seems to be directly related to having to call getpwuid() when I don't          
supply my username and it can't look in a pre-existing ticket cache for         

"Only in the tales that humans tell do the hunters kill the wolves in the end." -- Jin-Roh
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