Clarifications sought on Kerberos SA: TGS_REQ and Server Auth??

Surendra Babu A surendra.a at
Wed Dec 7 07:38:09 EST 2005

> > 2. For Server Authentication feature: if the Application Server is a Kerberised ESMTP server, how it 
> should proceed? After sending the Service ticket to ESMTP server, what should happen? Could you please
> let me know the Client and Applciation Server handshake and transfer machanism till Server Authentication
> feature happens?
> Rather then using raw Kerberos, can you use gssapi? Gss addresses many of these issues.

1. If I use GSSAPI, how it can resolve these issues? COuld you please let me know the steps to clarify the same? Any pointers on this is appreciated very well. How Server Authentication happens with GSSAPI? How does Service Ticket transferred?

2. What kind of implamentation should be done at ESMTP client side to handle the Kerberised ESMTP Server response?

> > 
> > Please let me know your thoughts. 
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > -Surendra
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