Password Changing failing from Windows to MIT KDC

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Mon Aug 22 22:45:22 EDT 2005


I can verify that there is a problem although I cannot determine
at the moment what the source of it is.   What is the most recent
version of KFW that you are aware works?

Please send a bug report to kfw-bugs at

Jeffrey Altman

Mike Friedman wrote:

> I posted on this a few days ago but haven't received any replies, so I
> figure it may have fallen through the cracks.
> It seems that with the current release of KfW, password changing fails
> to either a 1.3.4 or 1.4.2 KDC.  Yet, earlier versions of KfW don't have
> this problem.  Similarly with Windows native Kerberos password
> changing.  I haven't done testing of the latter myself, but a colleague
> who works on Windows has.
> The message he receives is this:
>    Server error: Failed decrypting request
> The KDC logs show a successful issuing of the kadmin/changepw service
> credential, but no further action indicating a change password transaction.
> I suspected a client host firewall problem (re: UDP 464), but the
> problem continues even with no firewall rules in place.
> Has something changed with the new versions of KfW?
> Thanks.
> Mike
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Mike Friedman                   System and Network Security
> mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU          2484 Shattuck Avenue
> 1-510-642-1410                  University of California at Berkeley
> http://ack.Berkeley.EDU/~mikef
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