KRB5 1.4 vs. KRB5 1.3.6 on AIX 5.2 (fwd)

Milton Turley mturley at
Tue Apr 26 13:40:23 EDT 2005

I have done some research on this problem.  The host resolve code does not 
complete successfully.  I have traced the error to the routine at
/kerberos/mit/krb5-1.4/src/lib/krb5/os/dnsglue.c.   In the routine a call 
is made to res_ninit to provide dns information for the kdc.  res_ninit 
updates the structure at statbuf but overlays memory 72 bytes past the 
structure boundary.
I have opened a problem with IBM on res_ninit.  The problem is not yet 
resolved but IBM suggested using a malloc for the structure instead of 
static storage.  I am trying to get IBM to correct the error in 
res_ninit.  No resoultion yet.

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>I was hoping someone might be able to help me fix an issue I have
>I tested KRB5 1.3.6 on AIX 5.2 using C for AIX and the installed make.
>Created a krb5.conf and krb5.keytab to talk to a Windows 2k AD Domain
>Controller.  Had no issues, connected and received tickets fine.
>I recently installed KRB5 1.4 on the same machine after removing the
>1.3.6 footprint.  I encountered an issue seen by others with the error:
>"Syntax error at line 1 : `(' is not matched"
>when using AIX's make; but it seems to work fine using GNU Make.
>After compiling and doing a make install, I consistently receive the
>following message when using kinit while using the same keytab and
>configuration as 1.3.6:
>"Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm while getting
>initial credentials"
>Is there a significant change to krb5.conf between 1.3.6 and 1.4 ?  The
>binaries seem to work fine; but it does not look like it is even looking
>at the krb5.conf file.  I can change the name or move it and the message
>stays the same.  I have tried disabling DNS for realm and kdc; put
>master_kdc in the entries; but still does not even act like it is
>looking at this file.
>Any help is greatly appreciated.
>Lamar Saxon                             Lamar.Saxon at
>Lead Server Engineer            817-525-7122
>4001 Embarcadero
>Arlington ,TX 76014
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